Thursday, April 30, 2009

Joining the Ranks

I suppose it happens to everyone at some point in their lives, but honestly I had no clue it would happen to me today. As of May 14, I will officially join the illustrious ranks of the unemployed having been laid off from my job.

I know this is the perfect forum to bash my soon-to-be former employer, but it's hardly my style. Hell, I got dumped and didn't even dish about the guy in this forum.

What I will do is use the extolled power of the Internet to network my ass off. I doubt I'll actually post my resume on the blog, but I do hope to use my resources as wisely as humanly possible (hey, I wasn't a Girl Scout for nothing).

So if you know of job opportunities in the nonprofit, government or corporate sectors I am extremely organized, I write well, I have experience in fundraising, event planning and foundations. I am most interested in project management as where I really excel is in getting things done. In the future, I think I would make a fantastic Chief Operating Officer.

Please contact me offline at


Jendeis said...

I'm sorry to hear this news. I hope that your job search is very short and successful.

Maya / מיה said...

Oh man... good luck!

Schvach said...

I'm sorry to learn about your bad news. I've just been hired following a 5 month period of unemployment, Baruch HaShem. My record, so far, is 23 consecutive months of unemployment, with no financial income - don't ask.

SuperRaizy said...

I'm really sorry to hear that you've been laid off. I hope you find something very soon!