Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What I'm reading, thinking, doing

Generally, I've avoided diary like entries on this blog and while this post isn't rife with girlish reminiscences, I am gonna give a little summary of what's going on in my life.

What I'm reading - right now it's two books. One is Don't Get too Comfortable by David Rakoff. In the same sort of vein as Sarah Vowell or David Sedaris, Rakoff takes a sardonic but journalistic look at class in our modern society and how ridiculous luxury can be. It's not quite as funny as essays by the other two, but it does have more of a sociological study bend that is still pretty comical.

The other book I'm reading is Everything Conceivable by Liza Mundy. It's about the profound revolution taking place in the area of reproduction and the plethora of serious ramifications it has for our world. From serious analysis of the fertility industry and the ravages of IVF to consideration of the ethical, religious ramifications of a woman giving birth to a child not biologically related to her to the health affects children born of assisted reproductive technologies compared to naturally conceived children - this book is fascinating. And scary. And both in a good and bad way. READ IT.

What I'm thinking - that it's about damn time we pick a Democratic nominee for President. That I'm stoked for St. Patrick's Day and springtime (and other holidays I'm gonna blog about later). That rent in New Jersey is entirely too expensive. That doing my taxes was no fun this year. That I really need to buy some new work clothes.

What I'm doing - I'm off to Washington DC on Sunday for a big work conference for young adults. Pretty stoked to meet some new people, do some stellar networking and party with my volunteers. I'm also celebrating some friends' birthdays this weekend in town. Oh - and I'm not sure if this qualifies, but hopefully by simply saying the word "globbing," I can say that I've globbed.

What's making me laugh - one of the volunteers who is taking the train to Washington with me had this to say about the whole Elliot Spitzer prostitution debacle: "Spitzer allegedly paid for the call girl to take a train from New York to Washington ..." Do you think he would pay for us?
Seriously the funniest thing I read/heard all day, especially about this awful incident.

That sums it up for now... hopefully my trip to DC and the impending Jewish holidays will provide some good fodder.


SaraK said...

Good luck in DC!

Diana said...

Thanks for globbing! I just moved the ticker.
PS Try saying "Glob" 4 times fast ;)